Personal Training


Train With Joe

I am a Personal trainer based in wimbledon and raynes park with a love for all things sport. With a range of clients from professional footbal players to youth academy players across multiple sports including football, cricket, rugby and running. My passion is for progress and through personal training, whatever your goals may be, we will get one step closer each session.


Train With Sam

Competing in Mixed Martial arts at 26 has really levelled me up both physically and mentally. I’ve just come back from Thailand where I fully focused down on my Muay Thai & Mixed martial arts and had multiple unbeaten fights professionally which I feel is valuable experience & knowledge I can pass onto my clients in our 1-2-1 personal training sessions

My style of training is a mixture of combat training pads, calisthenics, agility, fat loss/toning and muscle growth.


Train With Gemma

Yoga showed me how to find balance in life and taught me how to listen to my body, calm my mind and ease my depression and anxiety. I learned how to find MIND BODY BALANCE and so can you, through 1-2-1 personal yoga.